Senior managers in construction, transportation, production and utilities plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through middle managers, the overall operations of goods production, utility, transportation and construction companies. They formulate policies which establish the direction to be taken by these companies, either alone or in conjunction with other members of a board of directors. They work in establishments throughout the following industries: fishing, forestry, logging and agriculture; mining, oil and gas extraction; construction; transportation and warehousing; printing; manufacturing; and utilities or they may own and operate their own business.
Job Titles
- Chief executive officer (CEO) – manufacturing company
- Chief financial officer (CFO) – urban transit system
- Executive vice-president – railway
- Finance vice-president – mining company
- Logging company corporate controller
- Marketing vice-president – airline
- Operations vice-president – electric power company
- Petroleum production company regional vice-president
- Publishing house general manager
- Residential construction company president
- Trucking company general manager
Main Duties
- Establish objectives for the company and formulate or approve policies and programs
- Authorize and organize the establishment of major departments and associated senior staff positions
- Allocate material, human and financial resources to implement company policies and programs; establish financial and administrative controls; formulate and approve promotional campaigns; and approve overall personnel planning
- Select middle managers, directors or other executive staff
- Coordinate the work of regions, divisions or departments
- Represent the company, or delegate representatives to act on behalf of the company, in negotiations or other official functions.
- Construction
- Forestry, logging, fishing and agriculture
- Manufacturing companies
- Mining, oil and gas extraction
- Printing
- Public utility services
- Self-employed
- Transportation and warehousing
- Coordinating
- Critical Thinking
- Decision Making
- Evaluation
- Learning and Teaching Strategies
- Categorization Flexibility
- Fluency of Ideas
- Information Ordering
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Memorizing
Personal Attributes
- Analytical Thinking
- Attention to Detail
- Collaboration
- Independence Leadership
Similar Occupations
- Construction managers (70010)
- Home building and renovation managers (70011)
- Facility operation and maintenance managers (70012)
- Managers in natural resources production and fishing (80010)
- Manufacturing managers (90010)
- Utilities managers (90011)
Source: OaSIS
Employment Outlook
An employment outlook has not been assigned due to low levels of employment for this occupation in PEI.
Source: Job Bank
Prevailing Wages
PEI | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Canada | $21.70 | $42.03 | $97.44 |
There are no known training programs for this occupation in PEI. If you are aware of a local training program, please contact us.
There are currently no job listings for this occupation on WorkPEI.