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About WorkPEI

Our job search makes it easier to find jobs that meet your education and experience. Use filters to narrow your job search by source, keyword, location and category.


Publish a profile with your skills, education and experience. Use your profile to apply to jobs, and have it seen by over 2,500 PEI employers searching for talent. Employers can contact you directly about jobs that may not be published on our board.

Job Alerts

As a member of WorkPEI you can sign up for job alerts. Choose a job title or location and you’ll receive email alerts whenever those jobs hit our board. Never miss a job opportunity again!

Post Jobs

Use our improved job posting form to post your job listings – now with free text fields! You can also edit, mark filled or delete jobs at any time. Save jobs and relist them at a later date. Duplicate frequent job listings to save time.

Search Profiles

Sometimes you want to search for the right candidate without posting a job. Search our database of job seeker profiles in PEI and around the world and contact them directly about opportunities. Bookmark profiles and view them later.

Analyze Data

Membership provides you with access to summary data on WorkPEI job seekers, including information on location, education, skills, certifications and other insights about our membership.
