Managers in aquaculture manage operations of facilities which cultivate and harvest fish, shellfish or marine plants for replenishment of wildlife stocks or for commercial sale. They are employed by public or private fish hatcheries and commercial aquatic farms, or they may be self-employed.
Job Titles
- Aquaculture manager
- Aquaculture operator
- Fish farm operator
- Fish farmer
- Fish hatchery manager
- Fish hatchery operator
- Mussel grower
- Oyster grower
- Salmon grower
- Trout farmer
Main Duties
- Manage the overall operation of a fish hatchery, fish farm or other aquatic farm
- Identify requirements of the species and select and oversee preparation of site for species cultivation
- Co-ordinate selection and maintenance of brood stock
- Determine food requirements and structure feeding regimes
- Monitor environment and maintain optimum conditions
- Conduct and supervise stock examination to identify disease or parasites, and apply prescribed medicinal substances to control and prevent infection
- Operate and maintain cultivating and harvesting equipment
- Collect and record growth and production data
- Manage and train aquaculture and fish hatchery support workers and supervise technicians and technologists
- Maintain financial records and establish market strategies, inventory and quality control methods
- May scuba dive to inspect sea farm operations
- May design and construct pens, floating stations and collector strings or fences for sea farms.
- Commercial aquacultural farms
- Public or private fish hatcheries
- Self-employed
- Management of Material Resources
- Coordinating
- Decision Making
- Evaluation
- Instructing
- Fluency of Ideas
- Problem Identification
- Auditory Attention
- Categorization Flexibility
- Colour Perception
Personal Attributes
- Leadership
- Active Learning
- Adaptability
- Analytical Thinking
- Attention to Detail
Similar Occupations
- Biological technologists and technicians (22110)
- Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers (85102)
- Aquaculture technician (in 22110.02 Biological technicians)
- Aquaculture support worker (in 85102 Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers)
Source: OaSIS
Employment Outlook
The employment outlook will be moderate for Managers in aquaculture (80022) in Prince Edward Island for the 2022-2024 period.
The following factors contributed to this outlook:
- Employment growth will lead to a moderate number of new positions.
- A moderate number of positions will become available due to retirements.
- There are a small number of unemployed workers with recent experience in this occupation.
Here are some key facts about Managers in aquaculture in Prince Edward Island:
- Approximately 100 people worked in this occupation in May 2021.
- Managers in aquaculture mainly work in the following sectors:
- Agriculture (NAICS 111, 112, 1151, 1152): 88%
- Fishing, hunting and trapping (NAICS 114): 12%
- 37% of managers in aquaculture work all year, while 63% work only part of the year, compared to 59% and 41% respectively among all occupations. Those who worked only part of the year did so for an average of 38 weeks compared to 41 weeks for all occupations.
- 50% of managers in aquaculture are self-employed compared to an average of 13% for all occupations.
- The gender distribution of people in this occupation is:
- Men: 76% compared to 51% for all occupations
- Women: 24% compared to 49% for all occupations
- The educational attainment of workers in this occupation is:
- no high school diploma: 15% compared to 11% for all occupations
- high school diploma or equivalent: 40% compared to 28% for all occupations
- apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma: 10% compared to 11% for all occupations
- college certificate or diploma or university certificate below bachelor’s: n/a
- bachelor’s degree: 15% compared to 17% for all occupations
- university certificate, degree or diploma above bachelor level: 15% compared to 8% for all occupations
Source: Job Bank
Prevailing Wages
PEI | $23.44 | $30.43 | $56.94 |
Canada | $14.00 | $29.68 | $50.65 |
There are no known training programs for this occupation in PEI. If you are aware of a local training program, please contact us.
There are currently no job listings for this occupation on WorkPEI.