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Data Retention

WorkPEI manages user generated data that is processed and retained on its web server. To maintain efficient operation and performance of the website and to ensure we don’t retain user data any longer than is reasonably required, WorkPEI routinely archives the data to a secure location on the provincial government network.  

Once archived on the government network, the information is then removed from the WorkPEI web server. Media attachments for applications and user profiles are not retained when archived.

User Generated Content

The data retention and removal schedule for user generated content on WorkPEI can be found below. 

Job Applications*1 Year3 Years
Job Listings**2 Years3 Years
*Since date of submission by user. **Since date of publication or modification by user.

User Accounts & Profiles

User accounts and job seeker profiles are also monitored for inactivity. WorkPEI removes inactive user accounts and job seeker profiles based on the schedule below.

Job seeker account*2 Years
Job seeker profile**2 Years
Employer account*5 Years
*Since date of last login by user. **Since date of publication or modification by user.

Updated: February 20, 2024
