Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts – 52119
Workers in other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts coordinate and perform specific activities for television, radio and motion picture productions, news broadcasts, theatre and stage productions, and other live or recorded productions. They are employed by television and radio stations and networks, recording studios, motion picture and video production companies, concert promoters and theatre, stage and dance companies.
Job Titles
- Broadcasting coordinator
- Stage manager
Main Duties
- Coordinate the work of camera operators and other technical staff, and cue announcers, actors and performers during news broadcasts and television program tapings.
- Concert promoters
- Motion picture and video production companies
- Recording studios
- Television stations and networks
- Theatre, stage and dance companies
- Coordinating
- Management of Personnel Resources
- Monitoring
- Persuading
- Time Management
- Body Flexibility
- Dynamic Strength
- Explosive Strength
- Gross Body Coordination
Personal Attributes
- Attention to Detail
- Collaboration
- Stress Tolerance
- Adaptability
- Analytical Thinking
Similar Occupations
- Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators (53111)
- Film and video camera operators (52110)
- Broadcast technicians (52112)
- Audio and video recording technicians (52113)
- Lighting designer (in 53123.01 Theatre designers)
Source: OaSIS
Employment Outlook
An employment outlook has not been assigned due to low levels of employment for this occupation in PEI.
Source: Job Bank
Prevailing Wages
PEI | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Canada | $18.17 | $31.00 | $47.38 |
There are no known training programs for this occupation in PEI. If you are aware of a local training program, please contact us.
There are currently no job listings for this occupation on WorkPEI.