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Foreign Qualification Recognition

Prince Edward Island (PEI) recognizes there is a growing need for skilled and educated workers to have fair access to employment opportunities to keep our economy prosperous. If you are coming to work in PEI you may be wondering how your education, knowledge, skills and experience compare to Canadian standards. If you are an employer looking to hire individuals with international education and experience you too may be having difficulties navigating the standards for training, education, and certifications as they can be different from province to province.

PEI works provincially and nationally to support the recognition of experience and education of individuals trained outside of Canada. The Government of PEI is committed to improving foreign qualifications recognition.

Foreign qualification recognition (FQR) is the process of verifying that qualifications (education, knowledge, skills, and work experience) obtained in another country are comparable to the Canadian standards established for an occupation.


Occupations in PEI are classified by three categories: regulated occupations, non-regulated occupations, or trade occupations.

If you are looking to work or hire an internationally trained worker (ITW) in an occupation that is regulated, qualifications will need to be formally assessed against Canadian standards and recognized in PEI.

If you are looking to work or hire an ITW in an occupation that is non-regulated, qualifications may not necessarily need to be formally recognized and typically assessment is at the discretion of employers.

If you are looking to work or hire in a trade occupation assessment and recognition requirements will depend on the specific trade you are interested in.
